Friday, November 12, 2010

11/3/10: A plastic jack-o-lantern-shaped bag...

...two blindingly white lacy bras.

Garth's theory when items like this (the bras) show up is that a guy has brought them.  No, said guy hasn't decided to give up cross dressing.  Garth's theory is that there has been a break-up.  Some woman spent enough nights and mornings with some guy that she had left a few of her under-things at his place.  And then he decided - or she decided - he was done.  No more contact, a clean break.  What to do with the under-things?  Bring them to the Free Bench, of course. 

Garth always suggests these theories with sadness, as if he knew the people and liked them as a couple and is sad they couldn't make a go of it.  I like this about Garth, though I rib him about it, too.  I am more cynical about relationships, or just less romantic.  Or maybe practical.  Those bras represent a bit of an investment - probably 35 or 40 bucks apiece easily.  Who'd casually leave something like that at some guy's place to be cast off onto our Bench? 

But I haven't found another theory that I like especially.  Garth's probably right.  It's all about relationships, isn't it?

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