Friday, November 12, 2010

11/12/10: Nothing new on the Free Bench

Yesterday, I was out on my bike, starting my day at 7:30 a.m.  It was a brisk day with early morning sunshine and mistiness both.  It invigorated all my senses.  I passed many other cyclists on my way, and the first handful were friendly, passing by with acknowledging smiles or "good mornings."  I was reminded of a short piece I wrote over five years ago when I ran regularly.  Over the months, I had developed a theory that runners were either grumpy/intense or introverted/self-involved or both - because they rarely smiled as we ran past each other, whereas cyclists often did. 

Now, once again, I noticed the cyclists going by.  My theory held true for awhile.  Even the guy balancing his coffee while cycling managed a brilliant smile.  Eventually, it started to break down, though.  The woman who looked to be about my age, who I was sure would smile (in approaching-50 sisterhood, I guess) didn't, the guy riding with no hands while texting also didn't, and assorted others added themselves to this group.

I share these observations for two reasons: one, it makes me think about how much we humans love to find patterns in things - even where they don't exist - and two, it reminds me how much I appreciate friendly human connection.  It makes a difference to me, helps me feel connected and uplifted.  It's a good reminder to offer that to others as well.  And if they don't smile back, there are so many possible reasons for that, it's not even worth lingering on it; it's just time then to move on to the next connection.

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