Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nothing new on the bench

Nothing new because when G---- and L---- got up this morning at 6:00 and went outside to enjoy the coolness while it lasts, G---- decided to rid the free bench of things that were unlikely to leave of their own accord.  

Everything went except the can of garbanzo beans, which has since been taken.

A block from our house, a river of bicycles streams by.  Today is Portland Sunday Parkways, an annual event where several streets that run between three different parks are closed to motorized traffic and open to bikes, pedestrians, roller bladers, roller skaters, skate boarders and any other folks who want to propel themselves down the car-free streets.  Some folks set up chairs on the sidewalks as if this is a parade.  Many entrepreneurs are selling things: lemonade and garage sale type stuff.  We see people we haven't seen since school let out.  We see an assortment of interesting bicycles.  Portland is home to tall bikes, which are just what they sound like.  Folks stack and weld a couple bike frames one on top of the other.  They tower above our little Honda.  To get them started, they run and then literally climb the bike to get up to the seat.  When they are forced to stop (for traffic and such), they try to do so near something tall - a tree, a stop sign, a person - and hang on.  They are everywhere in our neighborhood.

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