Sunday, August 22, 2010

A California license plate, a plastic cup filled with plastic utensils, an alien in primary colors

So, about the alien.  I think it is some sort of thing for small children.  It stands about two-and-a-half feet tall.  It has something at the top that is steering wheel-like.  Then there are these - spirals? - that work their way down the - trunk?  They put me in mind of a toy I've seen that is a cylinder with car tracks winding down along the outside of the cylinder.  At the base, there are four roundish flat spots with the sort of roughness to them that suggests foot grips: stand on two of these that are adjacent to each other, grab the wheel and you will be stable.  To what end?  I am completely mystified by this, and it hasn't been that long since I had children myself.  What I think to myself is, if I - someone who not that long ago was somewhat familiar with assorted child contraptions - haven't a clue what this thing is, how can we expect aliens (the real ones) to understand anything about us from encountering our stuff?

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