I have, for a couple years, been curious about how to make rugs out of the material from old t-shirts. I have an enormous, powder-blue plastic crochet hook that I bought for K--- years ago that has never been put to use, and old t-shirts are not hard to come by. Not just from our household, but from the Free Bench. So a couple weeks ago, with t-shirts from G----, from our neighbors, Carl and Arden, and from the Free Bench, I cut spiraling strips of teal, yellow, light blue, and white cloth. Then I started crocheting. I finished a couple days ago, washed and blocked the rug, and today I put it out on the Free Bench with a note - essentially saying the above and inviting anyone who might have a place for it to feel free to take it. It looks something like an enormous sunny-side-up egg - if the yolk were teal.
This sort of round crocheted rug is good for the thresholds in houses. It reminds me of ones from my early childhood. My dad's maternal grandmother, my Great Grandma Daniels, crocheted rugs exactly like these from old Wonder Bread bags. She had the neatest, most even stitches, and a number of the thresholds in the house that she shared with my grandparents sported one of these rugs. And "sported" is the right word to use here, in all its energetic peppiness. As you no doubt recall, Wonder Bread bags were (probably still are) clear and white with red, blue and yellow balloons on them. They crocheted into terribly bright, nearly indestructible rugs.
As a kid, my main complaint about the Wonder Bread rugs was that they didn't feel especially good on bare feet. As an adult, I admire the impulse grown of necessity to use whatever came into one's house.
It will be a little awkward if no one takes my rug.
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