Friday, September 3, 2010


...a black vinyl back pack, a green windbreaker, a lightweight blue and black all-weather jacket, a low long Tupperware container without its lid, a plastic water bottle.

CRAB FUN! is apparently another item for the previously mentioned hermit crab - or, rather, from the previously mentioned hermit crab's estate.  When I first looked at the package, the pink, orange and yellow bits and pieces inside looked like chunks of wax to me.  It is not clear how they would be used by a hermit crab, and I do think its a bit anthropomorphizing to suggest that a hermit crab using this stuff is having fun. 

The black vinyl back pack and the jackets were brought by the young neighbor woman who benefited from the flat-screened computer monitor and the perfectly good amp someone left.  Her name is Audra, and she has a voice like the actress, Jennifer Tilly.  Audra is in the process of moving, and as she sorts through her stuff, anything not coming with her that isn't trash appears to be destined for the Free Bench.  I think this sort of thing happens frequently, that people give back to the Bench because they themselves have benefited from it.  There's something about that cycle that I like very much.

Note:  I have taken the advice of several of you and taken photos of CRAB FUN! and other Free Bench items.  As soon as I figure out how to download them, I will let you know how to find them - on my new blog.  My friend, Jeremy, gave me some compelling reasons for having one and was instrumental in shepherding me through this process (thank you, Jeremy).  I will let everyone know when it is a reality (I'm still setting it up and getting used to it).  For those of you who still want these Musings as daily emails, I'm happy to do that.  And if you just want the blog address to visit when you want, let me know that, too.

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